Become a SSF Sponsor
“SoftStack Factory is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that offers a 24-week part-time n code camp with an on the job training (OJT) slant. Our mission is to create high-skilled local workers to fill the deficit of talent need by our local community.”
Traditional higher education can be a less efficient path for many individuals seeking careers in technology. SSF presents millennials with an opportunity to learn entry level skills within in a period of 24-weeks to enter the digital economy with the possibility of a wage growth that will persist for many years. Local companies benefit from programs like SSF and local companies should seriously look at becoming an SSF corporate sponsor. There are at least three ways that you can sponsor SSF, check out:
commission a mobile application built by SSF
One of the ways companies, entities and start up ventures can sponsor SSF is to commission a mobile application built by the SSF students and mentors. A typical mobile application projects scope size is one that fits in a typical 3 – 5 person months level of effort that may cost around $50k when using near or off shored resources. SSF offers the opportunity to sponsor a cohort by sponsoring a project at our starting price of $35k and have that mobile application built by local talent. Project sponsors not only help our school grow but also provide an on the job experience to our students and sponsors end up with a brand new Hybrid mobile application at a fair price! SoftStack Factory provides sponsors a powerful new way to develop core software assets that are essential for their success and at the same time helping the local community.
Our first class graduated this last December, 2015 and completed a sophisticated application for one of our project sponsors, proving that SoftStack Factory really works and can help both companies and students!
become a Corporate Sponsor
Another way to help SoftStack Factory grow is to become a Corporate Sponsor. We created a program where we have 4 levels of yearly support: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Members get priority within SoftStack Factory for Projects and to hire our graduates!
Because we don’t charge tuition and can be highly selective, our students are rigorously screened to check if they have the technical aptitude and grit to succeed in the technology field, making sure they will be the perfect addition to your company after they graduate!
If you want to Commission a Mobile App or Become a Corporate Sponsor please contact us using this form:
We are also looking for individuals and or organizational sponsors that appreciate what we are trying to do and are willing to provide operating funds or in kind service or equipment we could use. Combining our sponsors financial support with the expertise of our mentors, SSF uses an efficient learning immersion process to transform raw, local talent into productive participants ready to be part of the digital economy.
You can contact us about Donations on our e-mail: or donate via our website!