by Florentina Hofbauer
In the MEAN Stack Module, we learned how to build an entire web-app from scratch using the Angular framework for the frontend and Loopback as well as Mongo Atlas for the backend. Accompanying concepts, like higher-order functions and Typescript, were explained and practiced along the way.
After a month of learning Javascript, HTML, and CSS in SoftStack’s Intro to Programming, the MEAN Stack Module dives into the real programming world. Accordingly, it starts with an intro to Github and version control as well as error debugging. Going forward, we were supposed to use the CLI to navigate, delete or create folders. The instructors also encouraged us to try to read code. What I mean by that is, they wanted us to google all those lines of code we were unfamiliar with. I won’t lie, that was challenging in the beginning, however, one month into the MEAN Stack Class it was as natural as googling the movie starting times in my favorite theatre. In each unit, we had at least two instructors: The main instructor who led the class and one assistant.
“They guided me until I figured it out myself.”
Some nights there were up to three instructors helping us out. Considering that we had a class size of ten people, that was amazing! Whenever we weren’t in class we could get in touch with our instructors via RingCentral Glip (a free alternative to Slack). I never had to wait longer than an hour for an answer from one of our facilitators, in fact, most times they would answer within ten minutes. Whenever I got stuck, they didn’t give me the complete code for me to copy/paste it, instead, they guided me until I figured it out myself. Apart from the diligent work of the instructors, we were also encouraged to help each other out. Soon we noticed why: Explaining things to others enforces new concepts in the brain. Furthermore, it makes us communicate in the technical language which is required in the Software-Universe.
Frontend: Angular
After an introduction to Typescript, ES6 and some general problem-solving techniques and approaches, we were ready to tackle Angular. After submerging ourselves into the most important concepts of Angular like Components, Data binding, Routing, Structural Directives and Services we worked on the Angular Midterm Project: a bank-app to withdraw and deposit money. Although we still needed a lot of guidance, which was provided, it was a good feeling to apply our new knowledge.
“The instructors make sure you translate the concepts you have learned directly into code.”
Once the midterm-project was completed the next challenge awaited us: APIs. Right after a short introduction to the main concepts we got our hands dirty and worked with the YouTube API. This is another great thing about SoftStack: the instructors make sure you translate the concepts you have learned directly into code. Because no matter how well you understand a concept, you will always run into problems when it comes to implementing them. From that point on, all the new concepts – including the backend – we learned were directly implemented in our final project. For the final project, we could choose between a Movie Database – like IMBb – and a stock exchange app. Nine out of ten people chose the Movie Database, myself being one of them. The movie data came from the open-source Movie Database with the unexpected name “The Movie Database.”
Backend: Mongo Atlas and Loopback
We used Loopback as an API and Mongo Atlas as a database for our final project. (All of these services are free for small scale projects, as SoftStack makes sure that no extra costs occur for their students.) After setting up Loopback modules we learned about registering and authentication. The goal was to learn to create a login and register for our respective applications.
“I also really enjoyed going to class. It was a whole lot of fun, since the environment of SoftStack is relaxed and welcoming.”
The schedule
The classes took place Mondays and Wednesdays between six and ten pm. The homework given to us amounted to another ten to twenty hours of assignments a week, depending on how much effort you put into it. Since I took the course at the end of the year, there were a couple of holidays like Thanksgiving interrupting our class. Hence why our penultimate class was held on a Saturday. Instead of the usual four hours on a weeknight, we had the entire day to ask questions and finalize our projects. After some CSS and HTML touch ups at home, we presented our project in our last class.
Apart from learning a whole lot of new concepts and being able to create an entire web-app after just two months of SoftStack, I also really enjoyed going to class. It was a whole lot of fun, since the environment of SoftStack is relaxed and welcoming. I was also lucky because apart from having amazing instructors I was also fortunate to have great classmates. All, except one (he found a job as a Software Engineer while at SoftStack) signed up for the next class for mobile development: The Ionic Module.
Interested in our MEAN Stack course? There’s still time to sign up for next course starting March 30th.